Services and Supports

All services and supports depend on volunteer availability and on donations. 

Winter Care Packs

Care Packs 

Summer Care Pack

2 ltr Hydration bag with personal care items

Toys for the Emergency Room

Toys supplied to the emergency department to help make a trip to the ED a little easier. 

Wheelchair ramp repairs

Repairs to wheelchair ramps

Durable Medical Equipment

We accept donations and get them out to those in need.

Volunteer opportunities for families

There are volunteer opportunities including families and groups.

Home Visitors

It can be difficult when there is no family close by, we have visitors.

Food & Supplies

Partnering with local churches to help meet the needs of those who are food insecure. 

Medication Assistance

Describe your product or give more information.


We collect coats all year long so that when it gets cold anyone who needs a coat.

Kingman Carrier

Transportaion assistance getting to/from medical appointments or the store

Kingman Connects

Daily or weekly phone calls to check in to make sure you are doing okay.  A reminder for taking your mediation or about an upcoming medical appointment. 


Kingman Cares tries to fill in the service gaps.  Through partnerships with other organizations, that may be able to take care of one aspect of a need; however, needs another agency to take another part of it. 

Notary Services

Kingman Cares provides traveling notary services within the community for Advanced Directives and/or Medical Power of Attorney 

Clean City

Twice a year, April and September Kingman Cares teams up with: River Cities United Way, The Clean City Commission, Kingman Chamber of Commerce, The Kingman Downtown Merchants, and Catus Cleaners to show our Kingman Pride by helping keep the streets and the community clean. 

Car Seats

Safety Seats for families with financial challenges

Installation of safety Bars

There are organizations who will donate the safety bar to individuals in the community; however they do not have anyone to install them.